Glow Glass Theme Gallery provides snapshots of all the wallpapers used in the desktop pane ,panels and dialogboxes of Lobster Version 1.0 while using the 'Glow Glass Theme'.There are nearly 350+ wallpapers used in 'Glow Glass Theme' as the lousy images and transparency create some amazing special effect throughout the Lobster application.User can also use 'Black & White Theme' or 'Gradient Theme' while working in the Lobster application.


Glow Glass Theme Gallery 1 contains images of the 'Glow Glass Theme' from the 'Startup Screen' of the Lobster application to the 'Edge Effects Browser' including snapshots of all wallpapers of the desktop pane, New Dialogbox, Help Dialogbox, Print Preview Dialogbox, Clipboard Dialogbox, Add Text Dialogbox, Increase Canvas Dialogbox, Picture Frame Dialogbox, Rotate Dialogbox, Resize Dialogbox, Transparent Dialogbox till the last snapshot of 'Edge Effects Browser Dialogbox'.


Glow Glass Theme Gallery 2 contains images of the 'Glow Glass Theme' from the 'Sketch Dialogbox' of the Lobster application to the 'Texture Effects Browser Dialogbox' including snapshots of Sketch Dialgbox, 3D Sketch Dialogbox, Dithered Sketch Dialogbox, News Paper Sketch Dialogbox, Painting Effect Dialogbox, Charcoal Dialogbox, Sketch Pen Dialgbox, 3D Sketch Pen Dialgbox, Water Color Dialgbox, Cross Stitch Dialgbox till the last snapshot of 'Texture Effects Browser Dialogbox'.


Glow Glass Theme Gallery 3 contains images of the 'Glow Glass Theme' from the '2D Graphics Dialogbox' of the Lobster application to the 'Add Text - Batch Process Dialogbox' including snapshots of '2D Graphics Dialogbox', '3D Graphics Dialogbox', 'Art Dialogbox', 'Creepers Dialogbox', 'Curtains Dialogbox', 'Fireworks Dialogbox', 'Glossy Dialogbox', 'Glowing Lines Dialogbox', 'Greetings Dialogbox' till the last snapshot of 'Add Text - Batch Process Dialogbox'.


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