Topple Software is a software company eager to introduce world class graphic softwares which through its standard and innovative features intends to compete and even 'Topple' the world class graphic softwares.Through the sheer determination and hard work of our software developers,we intend to make our softwares popular no matter how much software copies it sells.So,the intention is to create very powerful graphic softwares while also keeping the 'Universal Appeal' of the softwares intact.Innovation in the software is going to also have 'Universal Appeal' and high success rate.With this resolve,we introduce the first graphic software from the Topple Software Company called 'Lobster' which is an 'Image Editor' and 'Lobster Version 1.0' in its very first version is intended to prove how much powerful image editing can be.

'Home Page' of Lobster Version 1.0
Filter Galleries of the Lobster Version 1.0
Wallpaper Galleries of the Lobster Version 1.0
Clip Art Galleries of the Lobster Version 1.0
User Interface Galleries of the Lobster Version 1.0
Batch Processing of the Lobster Version 1.0
Slide Show of the Lobster Version 1.0
Download Lobster Version 1.0
Buy Lobster Version 1.0

Internet Explorer

Allow scripts & Active X Controls

Full Screen Mode

F11 for Internet Explorer,Firefox,Chrome & Opera

User need not read all documents and can click on the preview image in the documents to go into 'Images Only Mode'