Black & White Filter Style of Lobster Version 1.0

Black & White Filter Style is one of the most powerful Filter Style of the Lobster application.If it was mentioned earlier in this tutorial that this application can also be considered as a 'Filter Factory' then this is one of the filter style that can single handedly prove why this software is also a 'Filter Factory'.Black & White Filter Style also applies the same algorithm of using the 'Threshold' and but applies not one but two filters on a single image.'Threshold' is the input field which is used to enter the value which will decide which pixels should be applied with the first filter which will be chosen by the user from the 'Filter' tab and the second filter can be chosen by the user from the 'Filter Style' tab which will show 'Second Filter and QRGB' panel for the input fields for the second filter.For e.g :- If the 'Threshold' is 128 then most of the darker pixels will be applied the first filter from the 'Filter' tab while the brighter pixels will be applied with the second filter from the 'Filter Style' with its own settings from 'Second Filter and QRGB' panel.This is the reason why the same filter with two different QRGB settings can be set and tried out with Black & White Filter Style.To learn about QRGB feature,Click Here.

Following snapshot shows this complex implementation of Black & White Filter Style used to apply the same filter with two different QRGB settings are applied to the image.In this snapshot,the hair of 'Girl' which is the 'Black Area' having the darker pixels is applied with 'Emboss' filter which is the first filter chosen from the 'Filter' tab.Because in QRGB settings is [R=0,G=0,B=0],the 'Emboss' is 'Black Emboss' which is the default implementation of 'Emboss' filter.The second filter is chosen from the 'Filter Style' tab is inserted in the 'White Area' having the brighter pixels with the 'Emboss' filter again but with the QRGB settings is [R=255,G=0,B=0] which is a Red Emboss.User can also see the 'Filter Style' tab having the 'Second Filter and QRGB' panel.Actually,the 'Plugin' tab is also visible which has the list of all the of the 'Lobster Plugins'.User should keep in mind that any filter of the Lobster application can be chosen to implement similar implementation where the 'First Filter' from the Filter tab and 'Second Filter' from the Filter Style tab are the same with different QRGB settings.

This snapshot though shows the real power of this Filter Style as two different filters are combine together actually making it look like a new filter.The first filter from the 'Filter' tab is '3D Black & Color' [Threshold filter] is inserted in the 'Black Area' made of the darker pixels of the image which is the hair of the 'girl' and the second filter chosen from the 'Filter Style' tab is 'Red Channel' which is inserted into the 'White Area' made of the brighter pixels which is the face of 'girl' in the following snapshot.

This snapshot is also very innovative as two different images are combine together making the effect very impressive.The first filter is 'Combine Images' with 'Clouds.jpg' as the selected image is inserted in the 'Black Area' which has the darker pixels and the second filter is also 'Combine Images' with 'Background.jpg' as the selected image which is inserted into the 'White Area' which has the brighter pixels.

The most important thing to remember in this Filter Style is the 'Threshold' input field which if set properly will not result into any distortion.Though,if the user is not satsfied with the results can do some 'Retouching' using the 'Retouch' tool of the 'Brush' panel.This Filter Style in itself will create hundreds of filters by combining various filters with each other and therefore can be considered the 'Filter Factory' of the Lobster application.User should understand the 'Interface' of this application and the user will never will be short of any filters and Patterns as the 'Interface' will create infinite possibilities by settings a few values and mouse clicks in the 'Filter Dialogbox' or 'Dynamic Filtering Panel'.To learn about the 'Interface' of this applicationClick Here.