Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient

It is strongly recommended that the user reads about the 'Gradients' feature before reading this page on 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient'.

Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient :- 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' is a gradient where the user can see the Lower Bevel turn into Raised Bevel creating a very special kind of gradient.Also,because 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' is build upon 'Inverted Color Gradient',user will actually see two different kinds of gradients running into each other.Surprisingly,it means that one gradient is of 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel' while the other gradient of 'Raised Bevel to Lower Bevel'.'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' is just like 'Inverted Color Gradient' except for the 'Bevel Effect' where the image is divided into two parts based on a 'Threshold' value and one gradient is created in one part while another gradient is created into another part with color which exactly opposite or invert in the color spectrum.For example,black color is opposite to white or Red is opposite to cyan color in the color spectrum.This is the very reason there are two gradients created in the image which run into each other.'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' will be created for the color that is chosen from the 'QRGB Sub Tab' of the 'Filter Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.Also,user can chose from four gradients which are 'Left to Right Gradient','Right to Left Gradient','Top to Bottom Gradient' or 'Bottom to Top Gradient' into which the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' is incorporated.

User should keep in mind that the 'Filter List' available in the 'Filter Tab' with other gradients is not available with 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient'.

Following snapshot shows the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' being applied to the image canvas using the default 'Black Color' [q=0,r=0,g=0,b=0] selected in the 'QRGB Sub Tab' of the 'Filter Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.User can see the 'Left to Right Gradient' selected in the 'Gradients Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.

Click here for the filtered image only !

Image Map Inside : Click on the filtered image for the complete filtered image !

Following snapshot shows the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' being applied to the image canvas using the 'Red Color' [q=0,r=255,g=0,b=0] selected in the 'QRGB Sub Tab' of the 'Filter Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.User can see the 'Right to Left Gradient' selected in the 'Gradients Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.

Click here for the filtered image only !

Image Map Inside : Click on the filtered image for the complete filtered image !

Following snapshot shows the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' being applied to the image canvas using the 'Green Color' [q=0,r=0,g=255,b=0] selected in the 'QRGB Sub Tab' of the 'Filter Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.User can see the 'Top to Bottom Gradient' selected in the 'Gradients Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.

Click here for the filtered image only !

Image Map Inside : Click on the filtered image for the complete filtered image !

Following snapshot shows the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient' being applied to the image canvas using the 'Blue Color' [q=0,r=0,g=0,b=255] selected in the 'QRGB Sub Tab' of the 'Filter Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.User can see the 'Bottom to Top Gradient' selected in the 'Gradients Tab' of the 'Lower Bevel to Raised Bevel Gradient Dialogbox'.

Click here for the filtered image only !

Image Map Inside : Click on the filtered image for the complete filtered image !