White Filter Style of Lobster Version 1.0

White Filter Style is used to apply filter only to the 'White Area' of the image.'White Area' are the brighter pixels of the image and the user can very precisely define which brighter pixels should be included while applying the filter.'Threshold' is the input field which is used to enter the value which will decide which pixels should be included and which pixels should be excluded while applying the filter. User will enter the 'Threshold' value and if the pixel brightness is equal to or greater than the 'Threshold' value than the pixel belongs to the 'White Area' and filter will be applied to these pixels only.For e.g :- If the 'Threshold' is 128 then the filter will be applied to the brighter pixels while the darker pixels will be excluded from the filtering.But,if the 'Threshold' is 250 then only the pixels with the white color will be applied the selected filter.Any of the filters of the Lobster application can be chosen for applying the filter to the 'White Area'.

Following snapshot applies the 'Water Color Effect' filter to the brighter pixels of the image i.e the face and the background of the image 'Lobstersamplergb.jpg' as the 'Threshold' is set to 70.Users can see that no filter is applied to the hair of the girl in the image 'Lobstersamplergb.jpg'.This effect can be considered as a new version of the 'Water Color Effect'.To see the original version of the 'Water Color Effect 1'.Click Here.

Following snapshot applies the 'Grayscale' filter to the brighter pixels of the image i.e the face and the background of the image 'Lobstersamplergb.jpg' as the 'Threshold' is set to 70.Users can see that no filter is applied to the hair of the girl in the image 'Lobstersamplergb.jpg'.This effect can be looks like a new filter and also is quite look in its own right.

Following snapshot shows the 'Medusa.jpg' is inserted into the face and background of 'LobsterSamplergb.jpg'.User can see how two different images can be merged into each other smoothly by using the 'White Filter Style'.