Marker Filter Style of Lobster Version 1.0

Marker Filter Style is used to limit various filterstyles to specific areas to create even more filters and patterns in addition to the filters and patterns provided by Lobster application and new filters created by the various filterstyles.User should be aware that this kind of filterstyle can be implemented only in Single Filter Edit Mode.Also,the user should know that the Lobster application will not do anything through this Filter Style.So,the user should consider this Filter Style as a 'Big Tip' as the user will do all the work and use the 'Interface' to implement the Marker Filter Style.First of all,the user should chose the 'Single Filter Edit Mode' instead of the usual 'Overwrite Edit Mode'.User should first mark an area over the image with a specific filter over it and then undo it.Because of Single Filter Edit Mode,undo will not only remove the filter but also disable applying any filter over the area where the filter was applied before using the Undo.Then the user should use another filter with any pattern,pattern style,filter style and gradient to apply the filter to the remaining area of the image.Because the user will be using Single Filter Edit Mode,the area where the first filter was applied will not get filtered when the user applies the second filter.By limiting filters to the specific areas of the image,user will be creating more filters or patterns using the Marker Filtering.The better the user visualizes,the better the results obtained by the user from Marker FilterStyle.Following examples will also help the user understand the importance of this filterstyle.

[New Filter Example := Creating 'Colored Grayscale']

Select Single Filter Mode from the Edit Mode menu.Enable 'Drawing Panel',select the 'Filled Oval' and select any filter of the lobster application.Apply the filter to the 'Tickly' and eyes of the 'girl' in the image 'LobsterSamplergb.jpg'.Select 'Undo' and all the changes made to the image will be lost.Now,select 'Grayscale' and apply the filter to the image.User will find the 'Grayscale' filter is applied to the entire image except the 'Tickly' and eyes of the girl in the image 'LobsterSamplergb.jpg' creating a 'Colored Grayscale' image.What is exactly happening is that the first filter marks the area which will not be filtered,the filter is applied the next time.Because of the 'Undo',the first filter is not visible and is used only to mark a specific area in the image.

[New Pattern Example := New Pattern of using 'Undo' option]

This example will show how to create a new Pattern using the Marker Filter Style technique.Enable 'Single Filter Edit Mode' from 'Process' menu.Select 'Uneven Parallelograms' and any filter from the Lobster application.Now,the user should use the 'Undo' command to remove the 'Uneven Parallelograms' from the image.Because,the user is using 'Single Filter Edit Mode',the area where the user had drawn the 'Uneven Parallelograms' will not get filtered when the user will apply the filter next time.User should now use the 'Grayscale' filter to apply the filter to the whole image and the results of the filtering are visible in the next snapshot which clearly shows the creation of a new Pattern.Actually,user will realize that the new Pattern is a Reverse Pattern of the 'Uneven Parallelograms'.Because,the 'Gradient' is also enabled,user can also see a Gradient for the 'Grayscale' for the first time.

[New Pattern Example := New Pattern of using 'Revert' option]

Load any image in the Lobster application.Then select 'Single Filter Edit Mode' from the 'Process' menu. Select any filter of the Lobster application and apply 'Stars' pattern and 'Windows 2' pattern to the image.Now,user should use 'Revert' command to undo all the the changes to the image which will remove the all the patterns from the image.Because the user is using 'Single Filter Edit Mode',the area where the patterns were drawn will not be filtered next time when the user applies the filter to the image.Now,apply the filter using the 'Bottom Graph' again to the image and the filter is applied to the whole image except in the patterns drawn previously.This is a method of marking the area with filters that it will not be filtered next time for creating 'New Pattern' using the 'Revert' command.User should be confused because the technique remains the same as the previous example and only the user should realize that the 'Undo' command removes a single change while 'Revert' command removes all the changes made by the user to the image.In this case,instead of one shape,'Revert' command removes all the shapes of any kind applied to the image using any filter of the Lobster application.

Following snapshot shows the same 'Revert' technique but this time with text drawn using the 'Brush Panel'.

From the above examples,it shows how much powerful Marker Filter Style really is.User should keep in mind that the area that is marked by the first filter doesn't get filtered at all as the user will use Undo to remove the filter so the remaining area of the image will filtered with any filter of the Lobster Application.