Filter Styles of Lobster Version 1.0

Filter Styles is another very powerful and big feature of Lobster Version 1.0.Filter Style was exclusively created for innovativeness and creating new filters with the existing filters of this application.This is the very reason why every Filter Style is feature in itself and in short provides a new version of the existing filter.The name 'Filter Style' itself is self-descriptive as every Filter Style will provide its own version of the existing filter and therefore the word 'Style' being added to the term 'Filter'.In this web page,if the user comes across the word 'Filtering' then it also means 'Filter Style'.For example :- 'Multiple Filtering' and 'Multiple Filter Style' are one and the same thing,so don't be confused.Because every Filter Style has its own algorithm and concepts its necessary to read all the help associated with every Filter Style.Most important difference compared to the Filter Dialogboxes and the Filter Style Dialogbox will be that the user can work with any filter of the Lobster application including the Lobster Plugins.User will also notice that another tab(i.e,Filter Style tab) has been added to the Filter Style Dialogbox so that the input can be taken from the user from that tab to implement the functionality of that specific Filter Style.User should keep in mind that every filter will not give good results and therefore should chose another filter if the current filter is not giving satifactory results.This is the best way of using any Filter Style of the Lobster application.Filter Style is just a tool which should be used tactically to get good results and is not a 'Ready-Made' solution for the user.Though,mostly the user will not have to work hard to get the work done.'That is for Sure'.

Following is the snapshot of the Brigntness Filter Style Dialogbox which shows the list of all the filters of the Lobster application which is available for use with any Filter Style.

Following snapshot shows the contents of the Filter Style tab of the Brigntness Filter Style Dialogbox.obviously,the input fields will change with every Filter Style as every Filter Style has a different functionality.

Following table lists all of the Filter Styles introduced in Lobster Version 1.0 :-

Filter StyleDescription of the Filter Style
Double FilterStyleDouble FilterStyle is used to combine any different filters.One filter in the 'Pattern' and other in the 'Skip Area'.
Black FilterStyleBlack FilterStyle is used to apply filters in the 'Black Area' of the image.
White FilterStyleWhite FilterStyle is used to apply filters in the 'White Area' of the image.
Black & White FilterStyleBlack & White FilterStyle is used to apply different two filters on the image.One filter in the 'Black Area' and other in the 'White Area' of the image.
Brightness FilterStyleBrightness FilterStyle is used to apply filter according to a extracted brightness of the image in the 'Brightness Panel'.
Edge FilterStyleEdge FilterStyle is used to apply filter on the 'Edges' of the image.
Not Edge FilterStyleNot Edge FilterStyle is used to apply filter on the 'area not having Edges' of the image.
Edge & Not Edge FilterStyleEdge & Not Edge FilterStyle is used to apply two different filters on the image.One filter in the 'Edge Area' and other in the 'Not Edges Area' of the image.
Glass Design FilterStyleGlass Design FilterStyle is used to demonstrate how to create 'User Defined Filter Style'.
Transparent FilterStyleTransparent FilterStyle is used to combine two different filters depending on the transparency defined for the filtering.
Custom Pattern Filtering Custom Pattern Filtering is used to create 'Custom Pattern' from any image for applying the filter.
Marker FilterStyleMarker FilterStyle is used to mark the areas of the image for creating new 'Patterns' and 'Filters'.