Edge Filter Style of Lobster Version 1.0

Edge Filter Style is used to filter the edges of the image with any filter of the Lobster application.Edges is the outline of the shapes and textures in the images and can be clearly visible in the 'Sketch' Filter of the lobster application.Actually,'Sketch' filter is only made of the edges of an image.It is enough to filter the edges of the image to create a different effect for the image.The user will get good results mostly with the filters in the 'Colors' menu.Though,the user can use any filter of the Lobster application and create very innovative effects just by changing the filters from the filter list from the 'Filter' tab.Edge Filter Style uses 'Edge Quantity' to increase or decrease the edges in the image canvas to be filtered by the current filter.User will also come across the 'Combine Images' tab which can used to insert the selected images in the edges of the image in the canvas.Lobster application uses the 'Modes' to navigate from one feature to another of the Lobster application.So,if the 'Combine Images' panel is not selected,'Click' on the 'Combine Images' tab to enable 'Combine Images' mode so that the 'Combine Images' filter is enabled and 'Click' on the 'Filter' tab to enable the 'Filter' mode to use the other filters of the Lobster application.User's Clicks will decide upon the mode to use while working with the Lobster application.Similar approach is used in Dynamic Filtering Panel also but to enable many other modes like the Macros mode,Image Filters Mode,etc.

Following snapshot shows the Edge Filter Style in action where the 'Solarize' filter is inserted in the edges of the 'Children' image.

Following snapshot shows the Edge Filter Style while using the 'Combine Images' filter is used to insert a selected image in the edges of the image 'LobsterSamplergb.jpg'.User can also see the 'Combine Images' panel which is used to select the current image for inserting the image in the edges of the image in the canvas.