Edge & Not Edge Filter Style of Lobster Version 1.0

Edge & Not Edge Filter Style is used to filter the area having the edges of the image with one filter and the area not having the edges with another filter of the Lobster application.Edges is the outline of the shapes and textures in the images and can be clearly visible in the 'Sketch' Filter of the lobster application.This Filter Style again is very powerful and can create hundreds of filters on its own.The first filter will be chosen from the 'Filter' tab and will applied in the edges of the image.The second filter will be chosen from the 'Filter Style' tab and will applied in the area not having the edges.User can use any filter as the first or the second filter for creating new filters of their own.This Filter Style can also be considered as another 'Filter Factory' after Black & White Filter Style.

Following snapshot shows the user the Edge & Not Edge Filter Style in action as the first filter is 'Invert' chosen from the 'Filter' tab and inserted in the edges of the image and the second filter is 'Grayscale' chosen from the 'Filter Style' tab and inserted into the area where the edges are not present.

Following snapshot shows the user the Edge & Not Edge Filter Style in action as the first filter is 'Color' chosen from the 'Filter' tab which inserts Red solid color in the edges and the second filter is 'Shifted Purple' chosen from the 'Filter Style' tab inserted in the area where the edges are not present.This snapshot is of Dynamic Filtering Panel showing the 'Filter Style' tab with its 'Filter and QRGB' panel to chose the second filter.

Following snapshot shows the user the Edge & Not Edge Filter Style in action as the first filter is 'Combine Images' chosen from the 'Combine Images' tab where the image selected to be inserted in the edges is '234623.jpg' and the second filter is also 'Combine Images' chosen from the 'Filter Style' tab where the image selected is 'background.jpg' which is inserted in the area with no edges.