Dynamic Filtering of Lobster Version 1.0

Dynamic Filtering is another big feature of the Lobster application.The reason it is called 'Dynamic Filtering' because the color,filter,image and text get applied dynamically[in real time].User can actually see the filter being applied to the image as the user drags the mouse or clicks the mouse on the image.User is expected to know the 'Interface' of the Lobster application properly to use the Dynamic Filtering.User can also learn the 'Interface' of the Lobster application thru the Dynamic Filtering Panel but it will sometimes lead to confusion if the user has not read the help of the Lobster application.Dynamic Filtering actually facilitated to the user thru three panels in the Lobster application viz.,Dynamic Filtering Panel,Drawing Panel and Brush Panel.Each panel has its different purpose and way of applying the filter and each panel is explained in the following sections :-

1>Dynamic Filtering Panel :- Dynamic Filtering Panel is the most important panel in the Lobster application and provides for changing the 'Filter Modes' and also acts as a 'Input Panel' for the other panels like Drawing Panel and Brush Panel.User should drag the mouse to apply the filter to the selected area on the image or Click the mouse on the image to apply the filter to the complete image.'Filter Modes' and functionality of the various tabs of the Dynamic Filtering Panel is demonstrated in the following sections :-

a]Filter Modes :- Filter Modes are the easy way to change the functionality of the Lobster application but has been made totally easy for the user to change the functionality.By default,'Predefined Filters Filter Mode' is enabled which allows the user to apply any filter of the Lobster application.User is only expected to click on the various tabs of the Dynamic Filtering Panel to change the 'Filter Modes'.For e.g :- To change the Filter Mode from 'Predefined Filters Filter Mode' to 'Combine Images Filter Mode' click on the tab 'Combine Images' to enable 'Combine Images Filter Mode' and the user can use images to merge with the image canvas of the Lobster application.Lobster application needs to know the 'Filter Mode' to provide that functionality to the user and the user provides that information by clicking various tabs of the Dynamic Filtering Panel.Following snapshot shows the Dynamic Filtering Panel with the 'Predefined Filters Filter Mode' tab selected by the user.

Following table will list all the Filter Modes and their meanings to the user.
TabMeaning of the tab and 'Filter Mode'
Filter TabEnable the 'Predefined Filters Filter Mode' for using the various filters.
Plugins TabEnable the 'Plugins Filter Mode' for using the various plugins.
Combine Images TabEnable the 'Combine Images Filter Mode' for using the 'Combine Images' filter.

If the 'Predefined Filters Filter Mode' is selected by clicking the 'Filter Tab' of the Dynamic Filtering Panel,then the user can use all the features of the Lobster application which are QRGB,Pattern Filtering,Filter Styles,Gradients,Edit Modes,3D Effect and Add Text with the various predefined filters of the Lobster application.If the 'Filter Mode' is 'Combine Images Filter Mode' then the user can use Pattern Filtering,Filter Styles,Edit Modes,3D Text and Add Text can be used for combining images in the Lobster application.If the 'Filter Mode' is 'Plugins Filter Mode' then the user can use Pattern Filtering,Filter Styles,Edit Modes,3D Text and Add Text can be using 'Lobster Plugins' in the Lobster application.'Lobster Plugins' are filters written by the user in java language which Lobster application executes.Interestingly,all the features of the Lobster application can used with the selected plugin like QRGB,Pattern Filtering,Filter Styles,Edit Modes,3D Text and Add Text.Even Brush Panel and Drawing Panel can be used with selected plugin using 'Plugins Filter Mode'.

2]Drawing Panel :- Drawing Panel is another panel for applying the filter to the image in a dynamic way.All the information required for applying the filter with various features like Pattern Filtering,Filter Styles,Gradients,Macros etc are set using the Dynamic Filtering Panel.So,any change in the Filter,Color,Pattern,Pattern Style,Filter Style,Gradient and Macro will be made using the Dynamic Filtering Panel.While the Drawing Panel will be used only to select the shape while applying the filter to the image.Drawing Panel provides various shapes like 'Oval','Round Rectangle','Text','Face' etc to crop the contents of the filters.For e.g :- Left Graph will look like a comet if the 'Oval' shape is used to apply the filter.Following snapshot shows both Left Graph created using the Dynamic Filtering Panel and Left Graph[comet] created using the 'Oval' shape of the Drawing Panel.Filter used to fill Left Graph is 'Invert' in both the instances.

3]Brush Panel :- Brush Panel is the most familiar panel or toolbar for the users of an image editor and also understand how to use most of the tools in the Brush Panel.So,the discussion will be strictly towards how the Brush Panel of the Lobster application is different from the other image editors.Brush Panel has Paint Brush,Spray Brush and Rectangular Brush to apply the filter.Usually,the brushes can apply only colors.On the other hand,users of the Lobster application can apply any Color,Filter,Pattern,Pattern Style,Filter Style,Gradient,Macro and 3D effect using the brushes of the Lobster application.All the features can enabled and their respective attributes can be set using the Dynamic Filtering Panel.Brush Panel will be used to only select the brush to be used while applying the filter.As usual,user will drag the mouse to apply the filter bit by bit on the image in the Lobster application.Following snapshot shows the Pattern Filtering with Gradient being applied using the brushes of the Brush Panel.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that the user can navigate between the functionality of the Dynamic Filtering Panel,Drawing Panel and Brush Panel by just clicking on the any buttons of the Drawing Panel or Brush Panel and any tabs of the Dynamic Filtering Panel.Following snapshot shows the same filter being applied using first with Dynamic Filtering Panel,second with Drawing Panel[using 'Oval' shape] and third with Brush Panel[using the Paint Brush].